Since preschool age, music has always accompanied Sergey Konovalov and been part of his artistic and rich scientific life.

Concert programme of Dr Sergey Konovalov ‘Declaration of Love’
Concert programme of Dr Sergey Konovalov ‘Declaration of Love’ in two parts, formed by 17 compositions performed by the symphony orchestra ‘Sankt Peterburg-2004’ under the direction of Yuri Krylov. The artist director: S. Konovalov. 2 CD, 17 compositions. 2005
Storm. Fragment
Waltz. Fragment

Dr S. Konovalov in his music. ‘Rus’.
Composer Sergey Konovalov and the symphony orchestra ‘Sankt Peterburg 2004’.
State Concert Hall ‘Rossiya’,
Night. Fragment
Once. Fragment

Sentimental Mood – 3 Elegy of The Night
Dr S. Konovalov in his music. Music for relaxation and wellbeing.

Sentimental Mood II
Dr S. Konovalov in his music. Music for relaxation and wellbeing.

Sentimental Mood I
Dr S. Konovalov in his music. ‘In The Mood’. Music for relaxation and wellbeing.

The Doctor’s voice: ‘I Talk To You About Love…’.
The Doctor’s voice: ‘I Talk To You About Love…’.
Studio recording of Dr Sergey Konovalov performing his own works.

The Doctor’s voice: ‘There is so much belief in my unsureness…’
Studio recording of Dr S. Konovalov performing his own works. 2005.
Charm. Story. Excerpt
Cherished corner. Story. Excerpt

The Doctor’s voice: ‘The Path to Yourself…’
The Doctor’s healing talk. 8/10/2009.

The Doctor’s voice: ‘Light Coming From The Depth Of The Universe’
Studio recording of Dr Sergey Konovalov performing his own works.

Jubilee concert of Dr S. Konovalov ‘I Give You The Music of Love’
Jubilee concert of Dr S. Konovalov ‘ I Give You The Music of Love’ that took part on his 50th birthday performed by the Saint Petersburg State Governor’s symphony Soloviev-Sedoy orchestra under the direction of People’s Artist S.Gorkovenko, soloists of the State Music-Hall Theatre and Peterburg Koncert Theatre. The artist director: S. Konovalov. Saint Petersburg, Jubilee Sports Palace, 2005.

The Doctor’s voice: ‘About Verity And Truth’.
The Doctor’s voice: ‘About Verity And Truth’.
Studio recording of Dr Sergey Konovalov performing his own works.

Concert programme of Dr Sergey Konovalov ‘Declaration of Love’
Concert programme of Dr Sergey Konovalov ‘Declaration of Love’ in two parts, formed by 17 compositions performed by the symphony orchestra ‘Sankt Peterburg-2004’ under the direction of Yuri Krylov. The artist director: S. Konovalov. English subtitles.